Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Perth Declaration on Science & Technology Education

The Perth Declaration on Science & Technology Education The recent CONASTA 56/ICASE 2007 WorldSTE conference held in Perth, 8-12 July 2007, generated the Perth Declaration on Science and Technology Education. The delegates at this conference agreed that urgent action is required to address the current issues involving science, technology, science teaching and learning and the engagement of students in science.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

NASA Education

NASA EDUCATION: For almost 50 years, NASA has explored many frontiers leading to new horizons of opportunity. Now, as NASA implements the Vision for Space Exploration, which will carry humans back to the moon, on to Mars and beyond, NASA Education is working to lay the groundwork that will make this ongoing journey possible.

The Vision calls for a program of exploration that will continue for decades, requiring the dedication and ingenuity not only of the scientists and engineers of today, but of generations to come. To ensure those future explorers will be ready to continue the journey, NASA is working with one of its most vital partners -- educators.

NASA recognizes the importance of educators' contributions in making our work possible, and we are dedicated to supporting them in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (also referred to as STEM). NASA provides formal and informal educators unique resources and development opportunities to strengthen the overall teaching of STEM subjects. Using the excitement that NASA's missions inspire, we are working with educators to capture the imagination of students, encouraging them to become the scientists and engineers that we'll need in the future and to strengthen the nation's future workforce. NASA Education also aims to attract and retain students in STEM disciplines through a progression of educational opportunities for students, teachers and faculty and to build strategic partnerships and linkages between formal and informal education providers that promote STEM literacy and awareness of NASA's mission. Read more at the NASA Education website.

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