Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Australian National Botanic Gardens

Australian National Botanic Gardens: Growing, studying and promoting Australia's flora. Education Services offers programs for Preschool to year 12. We offer a range of fun and engaging activities relating to our biggest feature, our display of one-third of Australia’s Native Plants, as well as Environmental Science.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Teacher Tube

Teacher Tube has a number of great videos showing various aspect of science education. Also check out the Honda Accord Commercial at You Tube.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

ABC TV Four Corners Program - The High Frontier: outer space open for business

Check out this ABC TV Four Corners program about Outer space is open for business. Four Corners reports on this booming $50 billion/year industry. Some interesting discussions regarding space exploration as big business.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Draw The Scientist Test

In week one we asked you to draw your image of what a scientist means to you and a lot of you discovered that you drew basically the same image. Judith Nuno from the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education has conducted research into this area. You will be able to find more information about Draw the Scientist Test by searching the net. I have included a research paper on e-reserve link titled: Primary-school children's attitudes towards science, engineering and technology and their images of scientists and engineers by Anne Silver and Brian S. Rushton.

Wiley InterScience

Introduced in 1997 and launched commercially in January 1999, Wiley InterScience® ( is a leading international resource for quality content promoting discovery across the spectrum of scientific, technical, medical and professional endeavors. In nearly a decade, Wiley InterScience has built its reputation by regularly adding new content and functionality; offering sophisticated search and navigation capabilities; and providing robust online manuscript submission and management tools.

Today, Wiley InterScience reaches a worldwide audience with must-have content from journals, books, reference works, databases, laboratory manuals and The Cochrane Library, which is the world's best-known resource for evidence-based medicine. More than half of Wiley's journals on Wiley InterScience are digitized back to Volume 1, Issue 1 as part of the development of the journal backfile initiative. When the initiative is completed in 2007, in conjunction with Wiley's Bicentennial, Wiley InterScience will be one of the largest archives of its kind with content dating back to 1799 and over 1.5 million articles of scientific and scholarly research.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Classmate online resources

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