Saturday, August 14, 2010

National Science Week 2010

National Science Week 2010 14th to the 22nd of August.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Science by Doing, engaging students with science

Science by Doing is a national initiative that aims to actively engage junior secondary school students in learning science through an inquiry-based approach. The project is manage by the Australian Academy of Science in partnership with CSIRO, the Australian Science Teachers Association and the education systems of the states and territories. The Australian Government through its Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations funds the project. For more infromation go to the Australian Academy of Science website.

Education for Sustainability in the Primary Curriculum

Education for Sustainability in the Primary Curriculum: A Guide for Teachers by Littledyke, Taylor and Eames (2009) published by Palgrave MacMillan is available at the UC Book CoOp.

Education for Sustainability is a top priority in the present international climate, where the media is dominated by environmental, social, political and economic concerns about current problems that will affect our future. As young children will become the next generation of adults, it is vital that they are educated abut sustainability issues, so they can be critically aware of the problems our society faces and takes positive action to help preserve their future in a rapidly changing world. While teachers are generally concerned about sustainability issues, perceived constraints of current curriculum priorities commonly inhibit Education for Sustainability from being developed in many classrooms.

This text address this dilemma by showing how EfS can be developed within and across all areas of the primary curriculum in the Australian context. The book provides suitable approaches and examples of activities to support teachers so they can address the State, Territory, National requirements for teaching all the primary curriculum learning areas, while also addressing EfS to promote knowledge of, positive attitudes towards and suitable action for sustainability in relevant, meaningful, enjoyable and creative ways. This is a valuable resource for all early childhood, middle school teachers who wish to make a real difference to educating children for the future.

Monday, July 19, 2010

EfS study released

The Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) has just released its latest study - Mainstreaming Education for Sustainability in Pre-Service Teacher Education in Australia: Enablers and Constraints. The study reported here is the third stage in a project to mainstream education for sustainability (EfS) in pre-service teacher education. The project began with a review of change processes to identify an effective model. The whole-of-system/action research model of effective change was then piloted in the Queensland education system. This report presents the findings of further pilot project to test this model and to identify enablers and constraints to mainstreaming EfS in NSW and the ACT teacher education systems.

The program brought together representatives of education related institutions to discuss barriers and plan action that might be undertaken.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

science rocks!

For many years science has been viewed as the domaine of the weird scientist, wearing the lab coat, messy hair, glasses, things in the pocket, and mostly men. If you ask anyone to draw a scientist you will most likely see the above being included. You can try this activity with very young children and they will provide you with the very same drawing. What we need to ask ourselves is how do we move beyond these conceptions, how as educators do we get children to reimagine this stereotype? Fristly, talking about this misconception or stereotype with children is very important as a means to re-think this image. Get children to think about the different kinds of scientists in our society and the various jobs they do. Get a scientist to visit your class so children can see for themselves what an actual scientist looks like in the flesh. Reinforce to the children in your class that we are all scientists in our daily lives. Get them to think about how this might be, ask them to talk about how science and technology surrounds them and how it helps them everyday. I think asking the BIG questions is very important from an early age. I remember doing this activity in my own class and at the end of the lesson one young fellow stated that scientists are cool and that science rocks! Still trying to work that one out!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Science courses nearly extinct in elementary grades, study finds

Story by Nanette Asimov of the San Francisco Chronicle
The third-graders looked puzzled when asked what they liked best about science. No answer.
OK, then, next question: "What is science?" a visitor asked the children in a hallway at Bessie Carmichael Elementary School in San Francisco.

"Science is like art," said Manuel, 7, who let that cryptic response hang in the air as he ducked away.
He might have meant that both can open the heart to beauty. Or maybe he was saying that science, like art, is something students don't get much of these days in elementary school.
If it were the latter, a new survey of 923 Bay Area elementary school teachers would agree.
About 80 percent of those teachers said they spent less than an hour each week teaching science, according to researchers from the Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley and from WestEd, an education think tank based in San Francisco.
In contrast, a national study seven years ago found elementary school science instruction averaged more than two hours per week, said Rena Dorph, the lead researcher on the new study.
"It's alarming because it's a very short amount of time per week dedicated to a subject that's considered a core subject in schools," said Dorph, who is director of the Center for Research, Evaluation and Assessment at the Lawrence Hall of Science.
Understanding science helps children learn to think and solve problems while questioning the world around them, Dorph said.
There is also evidence that people who go into scientific fields generally learned to love science as children, she said.
And as a practical matter, colleges require applicants to have taken science in high school.
"And how are you going to understand high school science if you haven't had it before fifth grade?" Dorph asked.
Her research team - reviewing responses from more than 80 Bay Area school districts as well as the teachers - made other sobering findings about elementary science instruction in Bay Area schools:
-- About 16 percent of the elementary teachers said they spent no time on science at all. (Most taught at schools that had missed the reading and math benchmarks of No Child Left Behind and were trying to catch up.)
-- Most kindergarten to fifth-grade students typically had science instruction no more than twice a week.
-- Ten times as many teachers said they felt unprepared to teach science (41 percent) than felt unprepared to teach math (4 percent) or reading (4 percent).
-- Fewer than half of Bay Area fifth-graders (47 percent) scored at grade level or above on last spring's California Standards Test in science. (Only fifth-graders are tested in science at the elementary level.)
"The demands of No Child Left Behind have made it almost impossible to devote enough time to science," said Melinda Dart, a fourth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School in Daly City's Jefferson Elementary District.
Dart was not among the anonymous hundreds surveyed by the researchers. But she agrees with the findings.
Dart is planning a field trip to the Exploratorium in December and is preparing her students by teaching them about electricity and magnets. In one lesson, she had them rub balloons with various materials so they would see the effects of positive and negative charges.
But she has had time for only three 30-minute science lessons since the semester began.
"It's very rushed," she said. "In order to develop a scientific way of thinking, the thing you need most is time. And in our test-driven schools today, time for experimenting and exploring is what we have the least of."
In San Francisco, Principal Jeffrey Burgos of Bessie Carmichael Elementary agreed - but said teachers can find ways to be creative beyond the limited time already set aside for science.
"You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that you can't get everything into one day," which is about five hours of instructional time, he said.
So you shoehorn it in, sneaking science into reading and math lessons.
Second-grade teacher Bernadette Ison is a master at that.
Her classroom at Bessie Carmichael is filled with children who are learning English and who come from lower-income families - just the kind of challenges that policymakers say is why basic reading and math should trump science and social studies.
"So we integrate science into our literacy," Ison said. "Our reading curriculum is called "Nature Walk," and we have a theme called "Animals."
On Friday, the students will take a nature walk around Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park. Afterward, they'll write an essay on what they saw and learned, Ison said.
This year, the California Board of Education has purchased new elementary science textbooks and materials that are just now reaching classrooms.
The reviews have been mixed. Some teachers said the materials were clearer than what they replaced, though they covered less ground.
Others said they were overwhelming. One teacher counted 1,199 pages in the teachers' edition science workbooks, as well as flip charts, four large boxes of materials, vocabulary and concept cards, CDs and DVDs.
Perhaps it's no wonder that teachers have little time to teach it all. They barely have time to learn it themselves.
The other day, the textbook company came to the Jefferson Elementary District in Daly City to show teachers how to use all the new stuff, said third-grade teacher Janet Harrison.
The textbook instructors stayed 90 minutes, Harrison said. And then they were gone.
Got science?
Some of a new study's findings about elementary school science instruction in Bay Area schools:
-- 80 percent of teachers say they spend less than an hour each week teaching science.
-- 16 percent of the elementary teachers say they teach no science at all.
-- Ten times as many teachers say they feel unprepared to teach science than feel unprepared to teach math or reading.
-- Fewer than half of Bay Area fifth-graders scored at grade level or above on last spring's California Standards Test in science.
To see the full report, visit
E-mail Nanette Asimov at
This article appeared on page A - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Sunday, August 17, 2008

University of Canberra students turning science into fun for primary school children

University of Canberra science teachers-to-be are making science fun for primary school children during National Science Week 2008. Following a pilot project last year-120 University students in 2008 have been undertaking a five week program where they spend two and a half hours in primary school’s working with small groups of children teaching practical science.

Southern Cross Primary School students have been involved in designing and building bridges and shelters as they learn how built structures impact on the environment.

Southern Cross Primary School Principal, Jennie Bailey believes the program is reaping benefits for all involved, students, teachers and the University interns.
“The children work in small groups while being exposed to young teachers who bring a fresh and energetic approach with precise and explicit teaching of science concepts taking place,” she said.

University Lecturer in Primary Education, Iain Hay said, “We place great emphasis on giving our students practical on the job experience. These students are required to plan and develop a program suitable for primary school curriculums.”

The schools involved include Southern Cross Primary, Yarralumla Primary, Majura Primary and Radford College Junior.